Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Mardi Meteo

I know I've been a bit inconsistent about posting the Mardi Meteo.  The winter has been so mild that nothing notable here has really struck my fancy. 

But today, my fancy got gobsmacked...as my British friends would say. 

We have snow!

What's that you say?  "That's not very much snow!"  (Is that you, little-sister-in-Minnesota?!)

Let me tell you, for a California girl, snow is snow.  And there's more in the forecast.

Stay tuned as this may be one of those 'double whammy' post days.  I already had a post ready to go and it happens to fit in the schedule of the 'big everything' - and then I awakened to snow! 

Plan to stop back in later today for the real post.

Yours in cashmere and snow boots...('cuz I can't find where I put my down jacket when I moved...errr...last year),


AL said...

Gobsmacked is such a good word (I grew up with it in the UK)!

J'adore la neige!

Anonymous said...

I also love the word "gobsmacked" almost as much as the American word "smack talking". I once had a friend who used the word "shame" behind anything you said that was sad. Another English word, I believe.

Snow huh? Sometimes just when we think that we are going to have a mild winter something like cold and snow arrive. It will be 70 degrees here today with clouds and 72 degrees tomorrow with rain. Go figure...I thought this was supposed to be winter.

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