Friday, January 14, 2011

Polaroid Postcard from Provence

How adorable is this petit garçon?

Bon weekend,


Kitty said...

Aww! That's so sweet! That looks to be from the 70's, yes?

One day I will make it down to Provence, it's on my List of Things To DO. Just, financially and tragically, it's nowhere near the top.

laura said...

I love this photo!

la fourchette said...

Kitty, Thanks! It *does* look like a shot from the 70's doesn't it? Or even earlier-as in: give this kid a red balloon, huh? Nope. My little creative soul is out to play and this shot was taken on all I wanna do is play!

laura, Thanks so much. (me, too. is it okay to say that about your own shot?! if not, it'll just be between you and me.)

My Not So Simple, Domestic Life said...

Hi! Thanks so much for visiting my blog and leaving such great info. I can't wait to look up that website! Please visit anytime...

leslie said...

OK, I love this photograph. I mean it. I am such a fan of your style and your subjects. Do you sell you work on line?

donna said...

that's the charm of Aix.....if you truly open your eyes, you see the most charming more reason to love Aix! (and i do have a long list!)

Carla said...

Love your polaroid and the little boy.. Your world looks beautiful. Thanks for the lovely post. Nutella is on hand. Carla

la fourchette said...

Katie, I'm meeting the loveliest people doing a bit of wandering around the blog-o-sphere. I'll definitely be back: I want to see where you guys decide to go!

leslie, my, my, my! Thank you! I've got an etsy site under construction...your encouragement is a welcome nudge in that direction.

donna, how right you are! My list gets longer every day. (It's my 'go to' list when I'm feeling ground up by the French bureaucracy!)

Carla, Thanks again...(made me laugh: nutella on hand...I'll bet it's on every expat's survival list, non?)

Bon weekend,

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