A few images to share the first signs from here.
While I wait to be "sprung" from my existence in and among boxes to new digs upstairs and have a guest in town who has touched down between adventures, I am not finding much time to be in the kitchen. I'll see you all in a couple of weeks!
I for one am happy to wait! You have already given me such fun! Perhaps a box a day routine will see you thru the move?
You are always so encouraging! A box-a-day is about what is going to be happening. France has been a quite a teacher on the subject of surrender.
À bientôt!
Upstairs, huh? Excellent! Movin' on UP. ;)
Spring has delivered many green-leafy meals here in my corner of the world. Gardening is radical.
With bated breath, I prepare for India. Can you believe it? (gulp)
lovely blog.
I've just discovered your blog, Leslie, and am happily reading your archives. This is such a fun getaway--not only are your photos amazing but you are a great writer, too! We can't all move to France, but we can certainly share in the dream. Thank you for sharing your experiences and wonderful recipes. I have made your delicious potatoes dauphinois and plan on making them over and over again. Looking forward to many posts to come...
Sally in Oregon
Dear Leslie,
Thought I would check back in and see how you are - what a treat to see and hear about Rome.
Having spent the last year on sabbatical in Palo Alto, Mark and I are contemplating continuing our vagabond life around the Bay and moving into San Francisco before heading back to our house in Marin. I have to say I'm daunted to face all those boxes. Though I like to think of myself of a minimalist, the accoutrements of two working parents, two three year olds, a nanny and a dog are stunning.
California has gone to gold. When the wind blows, the textures change in unexpected and lovely ways. It's remarkably beautiful. We had smoke from a large fire in Santa Cruz to remind of us of what's to come.
We won't make it to Europe this year. I'll have to do some cooking to make up for it. I still miss the croissant aux pignons from Aix.
Gretchen and Mark
Yup! Movin' on UP!
I hope you did plenty of bulking up on the leafy greens before the India adventure!
Thank you! And welcome!
Sally from Oregon,
Why thank you! Such encouraging words! And you liked the potatoes! (She types in her best 'Sally-Fields-at-an-awards-show' style!) You really *liked* them! (I know...aren't they delish!)
Hope you're on the subscriber list so you can stop in on a regular basis. Glad to have you any time you want to visit my little corner of Provence.
Always a pleasure to know you guys are out there! And pleased to hear you are doing well.
The next time I dip a croissant aux pignons into my café, I'll think of you.
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